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Yoni Steam Sacred Feminine Steam - V-Steam Herbs

Yoni Steam Sacred Feminine Steam - V-Steam Herbs

Amour Propre

Regular price $49.00 CAD
Regular price $91.00 CAD Sale price $49.00 CAD
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Yoni Steam Sacred Feminine Steam

Organic blend of teas and herbs that focus on the healthy balance of the vaginal region.

Our vaginas are also home to billions of bacteria, known as our vaginal flora, which are dominated by lactobacillus bacteria. These lactobacilli help to keep the vagina healthy by producing lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and other substances that inhibit the growth of yeast and other unwanted organisms. The mildly acidic environment and substances produced by the vaginal flora help fight against urogenital infections and are part of healthy vaginal ecosystem.

V-Steams may restore your healthy vaginal ecosystem.

Organic Balancing Herbal Blends V-Steam

We provide 2 amazing V-Steams -

1. Hormonal Harmony: Organic Balancing Herbal Blend - Great for regular and ongoing freshness. 

2. Premenstrual Blend: Organic Herbal Womb Blend - Great for healing and repair.

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